All I know is that this song is sung by a woman. I think she has brunette hair. In the chorus of this song im pretty sure it includes the lyrics "private school kid whore'. It was a song on video hits this morning but i cant remember anything apart from that it includes the lyrics 'private school kid whore'.
I've tried googling it and using lyric search engine things but NOTHING is coming up with anything!
please please please can sum1 help me!
Does any1 know the title %26amp; artist of the song that includes the lyrics 'Private school kid whore"?
"Private School Kid Whore" by Sarah McLeod ? .... just put more lyrics into google between " " and it should bring it up... I did it with what you gave and got that... if thats wrong then sorry i tried!
Does any1 know the title %26amp; artist of the song that includes the lyrics 'Private school kid whore"?
This would be Sarah McLeod - Private School Kid. Happy to help!
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