Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rockstar Lyrics by Nickelback - what dose he mean by '' latest dictionary ''?

This has been bugging me.

Am i missing something ? is dictinary slang for drugs or something ? why would you take a dictinary to a VIP room ?

Lyrics below.

''I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame

I'd even cut my hair and change my name

Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars

Livin in top houses

Drivin fifteen cars

The girls come easy

And the drugs come cheap

We'll all stay skinny

Cuz we just won't eat

And we'll hangout at the coolest bars

In the VIP with the movie stars

Every good gold diggers

Gonna wind up there

Every Playboy Bunny

With their bleach blond hair

And we'll hide out in the private rooms

With the latest dictionary and

Todays who's who

We'll get you anything

With that evil smile

Everybody's got a

Drug dealer on speed dial


Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar

Rockstar Lyrics by Nickelback - what dose he mean by '' latest dictionary ''?

All it's saying is that he wants to be so famous that he gets everything the first and it's new and/or improved.

Rockstar Lyrics by Nickelback - what dose he mean by '' latest dictionary ''?

I think what he means by that is that he'll fit in with all the stars by using the latest slang (latest dictionary) and name dropping (todays who's who).

By fitting in, he's looking to score some drugs from the stars' drug dealers OR he's looking to hook up with the stars by giving them drugs.

Rockstar Lyrics by Nickelback - what dose he mean by '' latest dictionary ''?

He's just talking about modern slang.

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